11-1 Daimachi, Kanagawa-ku, Yokohama-shi, Kanagawa-ken, 221-0834 JAPAN
From Dai ichi Keihin (Kokudo Jyu Go Sen or National Route 15),
cross Aokibashi and proceed towards Dai Ni Keihin (Kanjo Ichi Go Sen or Loop Highway 1).
Turn left, then turn right at the first corner. You will enter the Kyu Tokaido road.
We are on the left side of this road.
Please call out to us when you arrive at the door – we will guide you inside.
We are about 7 minutes away on foot from the West Exit of Yokohama Station.
Please walk until you reach Kanjo Ichi Go Sen (Loop Highway 1),
go into the alleyway and you will see the back of our ryotei which has a long stone stairway.
Climb these stairs and our door will immediately be on your right.